We can’t believe it’s already a new year! Before we dive into what’s ahead, let’s take a moment to celebrate us.
In 2024, our 1M4 community showed up in so many powerful ways. Whether you donated, shared resources, or joined the Home for the Holidays campaign, you helped create spaces where we could protect and uplift one another.
That’s the magic of our Sistahood.
As we step into 2025 under a new administration planning to expand police immunity, let’s brace ourselves. We’re not here to save the country—we’re here to save ourselves.
Our focus is on our families, neighbors, and immediate circles, building strength, creating safer spaces, and prioritizing non-police interventions like The Right Response during mental health crises.
This year, we need you more than ever. Let’s grow those local connections—share 1M4 resources at your church, your sorority meetings, NAACP or Urban League events, and with your neighbors.
United by love and solidarity, we’ll keep each other safe and continue building the community we deserve.
“If you prioritize yourself, you are going to save yourself.”
— Gabrielle Union
Sista Spotlight
In our community, we team up when needed.
But don’t get it twisted; our Sistas are out there changing lives on their own.
Today, get to know one of our Sistas and see how she inspires us!
Cassandra Hill
Yep, you heard that right. We are hosting three in-person Sista Checkins on Nov 12th to hold space with one another Post-Election.
Whatever the outcome, we want to be ready and in community to discuss our emotions, thoughts, and just be fully present with one another.
Keep an eye on your inbox and our social media @weare1M4 (go ahead and follow us on the platform of your choice) for the registration links. Registration is required as space will be limited — but the impact will be limitless.
And for those not located in these cities, would you like us to host a virtual session Wednesday, Nov 6th? Let us know. We know we can feel “zoom fatigue” but we also know the importance of creating space. We want to hear from you. Do you want us to host a virtual session? Â
Sista Notice: We’d love to host more in-person Sista CheckIns across cities this year, but we need your leadership to make it happen. If you’re interested in hosting, reply to this email, and let’s plan to bring the checkins to your city!
Your Expertise is Needed!
We’re completely revamping The Right Response Directory in partnership with Georgetown University’s CICS program and need your input to ensure it meets our community’s needs.
This critical resource connects you to alternative first-response programs offering compassionate support through peer responders, clinicians, and trained EMTs for calls that involve mental health crises.
Your feedback is vital for us to improve. Please take a few minutes to complete our confidential survey. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
What We’re Reading
Black women and infants face significant disparities in maternal and infant health, with Black infant mortality rates nearly double those of white infants.
One way our community is addressing this issue is through Dads to Doulas—a program that provides Black men and fathers with a safe space to learn, heal, and access tools to combat systemic racism and improve family outcomes. Read more about this empowering program.
A Health Tip For You!
Did you know January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month? This is a great time to highlight the importance of early detection and the disproportionate impact of cervical cancer on Black women. Let’s use this month to take charge of your health and help other Sistas do the same:
Get screened: Regular screenings can detect and remove pre-cancers early. It’s recommended to start cervical cancer screenings at age 25.
Get vaccinated:Â For younger girls and women, the HPV vaccine helps prevent six types of cancer, including cervical cancer. The CDC advises starting the vaccine as early as age 11.
Spread awareness:Â Share information about cervical cancer and the importance of early detection.
Prioritize check-ups:Â Schedule regular visits with your physician.
Spread Some Blessings!
The consequences of police violence extend far beyond the loss of life. For families affected, it’s the loss of income, the sacrifice of basic necessities, and the start of a high-cost legal fight. If you have the capacity, consider donating to 1M4. Proceeds help support impacted families and sustain the work of 1M4 toward ending police violence for good.
Our path forward isn’t about waiting for systems to change. It’s about reclaiming our power and leading with intention in the spaces we can impact. When we focus on our families and local communities, we create the safety nets and connections that truly keep us strong.
Each act of care, each shared resource, and each voice raised for action move us closer to the thriving, resilient community we’re building together.
This work isn’t easy, but it’s necessary. And through it all, we have each other. As we navigate the challenges of 2025, let’s remember that the strength of our Sistahood lies in our unity, determination, and love for one another.
Your Sistas In ALL Of This,Â
The Ladies Of 1M4
January 20: MLK Day
As we honor Dr. King’s legacy this MLK Day, we reflect on the ongoing struggle against police violence and the long history of brutality against our community. Dr. King fought tirelessly against systemic injustice, and his words remind us that “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
This is a day of service and a call to action. Let’s continue his work by organizing, connecting, and standing up against the systems that harm us. Â
February 8: Confronting the Stigma Mental Health Fair
1M4 is partnering to host a mental health event focused on resources for Black and Brown men at the Hostos Center for the Arts & Culture on February 8th! We’ll have a table onsite sharing information about The Right Response and engaging with local community members about their experiences with alternative response models. Join us there—we’d love to meet you in person!
You Got Your 1M4 Merch Yet?
Visit the 1M4 merch store to make sure you’re representing at court support, protests, or in line at your favorite coffee spot. We want to see YOU in your 1M4 gear. Every purchase goes directly to funding the work of 1M4 increasing access to safety and wellness. Â
The Mental Health Literacy Collaborative (MHLC) has officially launched its MHL Aware Certification Training.Â
Mental Health Literacy (MHL) Aware is a 60-minute training (with an optional certification) that benefits professional, personal, and community needs for knowledge, language, and confidence around the topic of mental health. This training is the first step in guiding people to successfully integrate MHL into the fabric of their community. The Aware training focuses on educating individuals about 1) What MHL is, 2) Why it is beneficial, and 3) How they can bring this information to their community. In addition to these core focus areas, the training provides basic, real-world application strategies. The cost is $30 per person for live trainings and $25 for the asynchronous course. Group rates are also available by contacting info@themhlc.org.