Discover 1 Million Madly Motivated Moms (1M4), a determined force working to eliminate police violence in the US by 2038. Founded by Tansy McNulty, driven by tragic incidents, we focus on prevention strategies and mental health. Our values center on democracy, collective action, transparency, prevention, and education, aiming for a safer, just world with the support of our diverse community.

Who we are



1 Million Madly Motivated Moms (1M4) stands as a formidable beacon of hope, a relentless force for public safety and mental health, on an unwavering mission to eradicate police violence from the very fabric of the United States by the year 2038. Leveraging prevention strategies, 1M4 is pioneering a future where harm is but a distant memory in the Black community. Our magic: harnessing the wisdom and resilience of Black maternal figures to forge innovative solutions. Founder and CEO Tansy McNulty is leading this charge, inspired by the tragic deaths of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and Ronnie Shumpert. We extend an open invitation, a call to action, to all who yearn to join hands in forging a world that is not only safer but fiercely just.

Meet our founder Tansy McNulty

Our approach is


Our approach is three-fold: addressing the past by offering support to affected families, educating on legislative policies affecting policing in the present, and nurturing the next generation’s interest in justice and politics with integrity. What sets us apart is our focus on prevention strategies and our commitment to mental health, with bi-monthly Sista Checkins providing vital support to our dedicated members.
We’ve also compiled a nationwide directory of over 300 mobile crisis response teams across the country to offer alternatives to police intervention in mental health emergencies, significantly reducing the risk of harm. With academic and legislative recognition, we’re making a tangible impact.
Join us in supporting Black women as leaders in developing and executing prevention strategies to transform public safety, provide financial and emotional support to families impacted by police violence, and focus on mental wellness for the Black family.



Democratic Process

We believe in the democratic process. All strategic action is a product of the collective brain trust of our members through a voting process.

Transparency & Integrity

We believe that honesty and integrity are critical to the effectiveness of our organization. Financial and organizational records related to our work are made available to our members to review.


We believe in holding ourselves, officers, and elected officials accountable for their actions or inaction.


We recognize and honor the intersections of identities and experiences within our community and welcome the support of allies from all diverse backgrounds.


We believe in the power of education to create systemic change and serve as an educational space for our members and the community.

Mental health and Personal Safety

We value the importance of mental health and personal safety in the fight for justice and provide resources to prioritize both.

Collective Action

We believe that the power of one compounds exponentially when joined with the power of others. We work together to create a wave of strategic action across the country. We pool our resources, both human and monetary, to create momentum in our advocacy and education efforts.


We prioritize prevention over reaction in ending police violence and reducing harm in the Black community.

1M4 is a public safety and mental health organization working to end police violence in the United States by the year of 2038. Through prevention focused initiatives, 1M4 is committed to the reduction of  harm in the Black community by solutions derived from Black maternal figures.  1M4 welcomes the partnership and collaboration of all who want to assist in creating a safer and more just world.

1M4 is a 501(c)(3) organization; EIN: 93-3655384