Through prevention focused initiatives, 1M4 is committed to the reduction of harm in the Black community by solutions derived from Black maternal figures.
What we do
Our mission is to develop and execute prevention strategies to transform public safety, provide financial and emotional support to families impacted by police violence, and focus on mental wellness for the Black family.
We envision a world where Black communities thrive without harm or violence, police are held accountable, and individuals and families have the support to thrive. Our commitment: proactive change, prioritizing prevention, and securing our children’s safety.
Mental Wellness
All three of the following areas
We need wellness to achieve Public Safety Transformation, provide Financial and Emotional Support to affected families, and advocate for Black Mental Health.

Public safety transformation
We can greatly improve emergency response and save numerous lives through comprehensive training and expertise in the mental health field.
We’ve made significant strides in reducing law enforcement interactions with individuals facing mental health challenges. Three years ago, we were inspired by Elijah McClain’s story to take action. We created a comprehensive directory, focusing on mental health resources, and forged a partnership with the Sozosei Foundation, Players Coalition and the JLH Fund to expand our guide as the go-to resource for community safety and health response.
Many people remain unaware that there are alternatives to law enforcement responses. Instead of encountering an officer with a firearm, individuals can now expect a compassionate community member or a trained mental health professional to provide support.
As we approach the holiday season, when the need for assistance and understanding is especially crucial, remember that calling the numbers in our directory can make a world of difference. Instead of a gun, you’ll have someone who genuinely cares showing up to help.
We’re fortunate to have garnered support from influential voices with substantial platforms, providing the funding necessary to continue our mission. Together, we’re reshaping responses to mental health crises and promoting safer, more compassionate communities.
Financial and Emotional Support for Impacted Families
Ways we support impacted families
We give $500 towards groceries, counseling sessions, food on the books, or for whatever immediate needs the families have.

Ongoing Emotional Support
On a monthly basis, we maintain regular communication with the families we support through thoughtful text messages, ensuring their well-being and offering assistance whenever needed. Our commitment extends far beyond words—we actively engage in a multitude of activities to empower and uplift these families.
We created a first of its kind national response directory, focusing on mental health resources, crafting impactful press releases, and leveraging our extensive network to amplify and promote events. Our team also lends its expertise in scriptwriting, ensuring that each message resonates with the intended audience. We dedicate space in our newsletters to spotlight these vital events, generating further awareness.
But our commitment doesn’t end there. We offer invaluable professional referrals, connecting families with trusted legal experts who can guide them through their challenges. Additionally, we utilize our outreach capabilities to send mass emails to journalists, shedding light on critical issues.
Holidays can be especially difficult for those we assist, so we extend a helping hand during these times. For example, we recently made a significant difference in one family’s life by providing cell phones to their daughters, ensuring they had the support they needed during their first Christmas without their husband and father.
Furthermore, we’re not afraid to make the necessary calls, reaching out to high-powered attorneys to facilitate crucial conference calls. Our status as a national non-profit leader allows us to advocate effectively for families with ongoing cases, striving to make a meaningful impact on their lives.
This group has been amazing to my family and I. They have supported us as we are still seeking justice for my husband James Williams!! We are grateful for them.
1M4 has been an incredible source of support for the family of Atatiana Jefferson throughout their years-long fight for justice. They have tirelessly used social media to bring greater awareness to her story, sparking important conversations and keeping Atatiana’s memory alive. In addition, 1M4 has provided unwavering support to the family throughout their fight, serving as a true ally and advocate for their cause. Thanks to their steadfast efforts, Atatiana’s legacy will remain an important part of conversations for generations to come.
1M4, Tansy and her organization has done so much, where do we begin, the Howell family is so grateful for the resources, emotional and mental support. Thank you, Tansy and 1M4!
Mental Health
We prioritize the mental well-being of Black families, with a special focus on supporting Black maternal figures.
One in four individuals face the harsh reality of mental illness. Our mission is to prioritize mental wellness and health within the Black family unit, combat suicide ideation among Black youth and men, decriminalize mental illness, and reintegrate affected individuals into crisis care continuum.
Sista Check-in:
A sanctuary for authentic self-expression, active listening, and unwavering support. Our inclusive sessions encompass candid discussions, collaborative writing, expert therapists, life coaching, and ‘Moms on the Mind,’ a platform dedicated to aiding Black mothers in navigating the school system.
We provide invaluable assistance to mothers with children on the autism spectrum (ASD), informative sessions on Individualized Education Programs (IEP), rejuvenating group yoga, collective healing, educational insights, and firsthand accounts from families we’ve touched. We welcome guest appearances from law enforcement to foster dialogue, offer Legal Aid for specific cases, and collaborate with the Innocence Project to prevent wrongful convictions.
Suicide Prevention:
In today’s society, the alarming trends in suicide rates among Black youth and Black men are deeply concerning. Though Black women currently exhibit lower rates of suicide, the landscape may change by 2025. Given the conversations we are having with Black women in our circles. Often, their struggles remain hidden, concealed behind closed doors where conversations take on a darker tone. Watch/Listen to the replay of our public Sista Checkin centered on Black Women & Suicide

Mental Health
and Resources
Deliver resources, education, and safe mental health spaces while addressing systemic racism. In partnership with Sozosei Foundation and Players Coalition, we are updating and digitizing our national first response directory to reduce police involvement in mental health crises that often end in police violence which disproportionately impacts the Black community.
We also hold officers and elected officials accountable for their actions or inaction by equipping voters with education regarding the legislative process, citizen rights and victim advocacy.
Community Development
Community Power
Driven by a network of caring Black mothers who support one another, we protect our communities and shape a brighter future.

Youth Empowerment:
We raise Black youth with an interest in the legal system and politics with integrity to create a more just and equitable future.

1M4 is a public safety and mental health organization working to end police violence in the United States by the year of 2038. Through prevention focused initiatives, 1M4 is committed to the reduction of harm in the Black community by solutions derived from Black maternal figures. 1M4 welcomes the partnership and collaboration of all who want to assist in creating a safer and more just world.
1M4 is a 501(c)(3) organization; EIN: 93-3655384