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Let’s keep these people in check.

Listen, you never have to fake the funk over here. We know everything ain’t always perfect. That’s why, although we LOVE hearing all the great feedback on our updated directory, we also want to know the uncomfortable truths. Was everything really all good? We want to...

Super Bowl 2024 Doesn’t Owe Us A Thing!

This blog is likely coming to you while you’re gathered around the TV, with the people you love, as you watch America’s biggest event — the Super Bowl. And although it may seem disconnected to the work you’re doing with us…Sis… This past week, during the Super Bowl...

This Is Our Black History Moment

Although health and happiness were plastered on our vision boards last month, there’s one thing we’ve been dedicating all our energy to… Something that directly impacts both of those things. Any thoughts? It’s making sure that everyone knows where to turn to when they...

Put Action Behind Your Words

Join 1M4 Community Waitlist

1M4 is a public safety and mental health organization working to end police violence in the United States by the year of 2038. Through prevention focused initiatives, 1M4 is committed to the reduction of  harm in the Black community by solutions derived from Black maternal figures.  1M4 welcomes the partnership and collaboration of all who want to assist in creating a safer and more just world.

1M4 is a 501(c)(3) organization; EIN: 93-3655384