Private Tour of Press Room

On Thursday, October 31. 2024, Tansy McNulty and Emmanuel Moforlo of Cameroon AmericanCouncil’s (CAC ) African Immigrant Media Network were invited to a private White House PressRoom tour by Rodericka Applewhaite, Director of Black Media in the Biden...

In Person Sista CheckIns

“Rarely, if ever, are any of us healed in isolation. Healing is an act of communion.” – Bell Hooks We’re done with screens and zoom for now.  This level of care requires proximity and in person support. We’re going hyper local so you have...

Equality and justice for all

Hey Sis! Let’s take a minute to talk about National Disability Employment Awareness Month and the challenges our Sistas with disabilities face in the workplace. Of course, these challenges are even tougher for us Black folks, who deal with both disability and systemic...