Your feedback is crucial in helping us enhance our services.
We have partnered with Georgetown University to help us continuously improve The Right Response. Please complete our brief survey to let us know your thoughts
Wednesday Jan 11 2023 we will come together to share what we intend to bring to fruition in 2023. Have 3 images on hand (either digital or physical) to represent what you want for yourself in 2023.
Let’s share and help one another receive all that is ours in 2023 and beyond.
As always, this is a safe space for Black women who are solution focused and care centered.
There’s no pretense. So come as you are and leave ready to walk into a powerfully purposeful remainder of the week.
Be sure to register in the link: https://bit.ly/2023andMeSistaCheckin to ensure you have call in details
Date: Jan 11th
Time: 9pm EST| 8pm CST| 6pm PDT