Your feedback is crucial in helping us enhance our services.
We have partnered with Georgetown University to help us continuously improve The Right Response. Please complete our brief survey to let us know your thoughts
We hear about accountability alot in the space of policing… but what about personal accountability? I mean… for us and our health/relationship/career/activism goals?
Usually the start of the year involves goal and intention setting. But do you have a person or people who you have tasked to hold YOU accountable?
Well we’re using tomorrow night’s Sista Check-in, to do just that… hold one another accountable.
We’ll share one-two goals or intentions for the year then for those interested, we’ll assign accountability partners, right then and there from our Sista circle.
Let’s lift each other up as we climb!
See you tomorrow night!
(Sis, be sure to join the email list to be notified of the call in details. It’s a safe space so… we protect it)