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What are you leaving in 2021?
What are you carrying (or picking up) in 2022?
Wednesday Dec 29th at 9pm EST will be the last Sista Checkin of 2021
We will use this evening to reflect on 2021 and start 2022 with intention.
We will do this by completing three statements for ourselves…. together, in community.
1) Overall 2021 has me feeling _____________.
2) I am leaving _____________ in 2021 because it does not add to my life.
3) In 2022, I will strive towards_____________ because I desire __________.
That’s it.
We will sit in silence for a few moments as we reflect on each statement and write out the completion for ourselves.
Then, for those who feel comfortable, we will share them aloud.
We will go into 2022 with clear minds and lifted spirits as we move with intention to create the year we desire.
Be sure to join our email list to get call in details.
You’re invited to enjoy the company of like-minded, care centered, solutions driven Black women.
Hope to see you at 9pm EST/ 6pm PST