When people ask us how it is that we do what we do, our answer is simple. Many hands make for light work.
Nothing we do is possible without you, and that’s true for any progression that we’ve seen in the history of the Black community. Since our ancestors hid in the dim candlelight teaching each other to read, since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. linked hands on the walk to Selma, and since we watched from all over the country as a Black man walked into the oval office and set a new precedent.
None of what we do can be done alone.
And as we enter Black August, which encompasses Black Business Month and Black
Philanthropy Month, we want to thank you for being part of this ongoing march
toward a more equitable world. One where we all have the tools, support, and
resources we need to live lives greater than even our ancestors dreamed of. One
where you have the power to help us reach new heights.
“We will not march back to what was. We move to what shall be, a country that is bruised, but whole. Benevolent, but bold. Fierce and free.” – Amanda Gorman
Sista Spotlight
In our community, we team up when needed.
But don’t get it twisted; our Sistas are out there changing lives on their own.
Get to know some of our Sistas and how they inspire us.
is the founder of Mino (joinmino.com), a membership that prepares
early and mid-level Black women professionals for the C-Suite. But more than that,
Krystal is a Believer, wife, and mother to a precocious little girl and an active little
boy. She’s been a community advocate for as long as she can remember, and
organized her first march while still in undergrad. She is also a former lobbyist and
legislative policy wonk, and she is always willing to dust off her policy chops to serve
the 1M4 community. When she isn’t working or serving, you can find her watching
YouTube or adding fragrances to her perfume collection.
Ashton, Mississippi
Krystal, New York
Ashton Walker
is one of the Top Real Estate Agents in Mississippi. She is also a luxury broker associate with a background in marketing, PR and communications. Ashton is a wife and mother of 3, and a lover of almost all genres of music. Get to know more about Ashton here.
Self-Care Sunday(A Mental Health Tip for You)
Self-Care Sunday
aking care of our mental health is still a new concept for so many of us. And because we’re only now beginning to fight the stigma and step into the supportive space of mental health discussions, it can be hard to discern when you’re experiencing mental health problems.
So if you’re in the messy middle right now and you’re not sure how to process or navigate what you’re feeling, take this free mental health test.
Created by Mental Health for America and promoted on behalf of last month’s #BebeMooreCampbellMinortyMentalHealthMonth, this test has a variety of mental health conditions you can test for to get you closer to the clarity and support you need. Remember to share with those in your circle!
Spread Some Blessings!
The consequences of police violence extend far beyond the loss of life. For families affected, it’s the loss of income, the sacrifice of basic necessities, and the start of a high-cost legal fight. If you have the capacity, consider donating to 1M4. Proceeds help support impacted families and sustain the work of 1M4 toward ending police violence for good.
From the very beginning, you’ve made this fight for safety, justice, and liberation possible. By joining this list, sharing it with friends, making calls to politicians, and showing up at the courthouses for the families we stand with, you’ve made it happen.
And as we enter into Black August and Black Philanthropy Month, we hope you’re inspired by the progress we’ve made, as a people, to keep making it happen.
If you have to give, click the button above to donate to our cause or consider donating to any organization moving the Black community forward. It doesn’t HAVE to be us (although we’d love it) because we know that when one of us wins, we all do.
Your Sis In All Of This,