Christopher Columbus knows good and well that we are not paying him any attention this week, right?

Instead, our efforts will be busy advocating and raising awareness around real issues, milestones, and celebrations. Like honoring Indigenous People’s Day tomorrow. And on October 10th, celebrating the 32nd anniversary of another holiday near and dear to our cause. World Mental Health Day.

Yet another opportunity and chance for us all to start conversations, further our own understandings, check in on our loved ones and ourselves and move toward ending the stigma. Because although we’re raising awareness this month around depression, it’s important to know that the people you love and come into contact with can suffer from so many other disorders. It could be bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, eating disorders, mood disorders, or even obsessive-compulsive disorders.

Our mental health can be affected in numerous ways, and because not every disorder manifests in the same way, it is our duty to begin practicing empathy and getting curious. Learn about the different symptoms and signs, and let us all do our part to share that knowledge with others so that our community, as a whole, can become a safer and mentally better space.

“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.”
— Coretta Scott King

Sista Spotlight

In our community, we team up when needed.
But don’t get it twisted; our Sistas are out there changing lives on their own.
Get to know some of our Sistas and how they inspire us!

Rhonda is a wife, mom, and serial entrepreneur. She is a registered nurse with over 15 years of emergency & critical care experience. As a travel nurse, she is dedicated to providing compassionate care and health awareness to patients and families across the U.S.

Rhonda enjoys traveling, spending time with family and friends, and crafting. She loves putting smiles on people’s faces while serving gourmet snowballs with her company, Flavors Shaved Ice, and spreading the love of Christ through various outlets and social media platforms with Trap Prayers.

Jenifer is a lead HR Specialist with the Dept. of Veteran Affairs and the proud spouse to an Air Force retiree. She is the mom of two amazing boys and a fur baby. In her free time, she enjoys running, engaging in community outreach, and binge-watching movies and television shows.​​


Rhonda, Tennessee
Jenifer, Georgia 

Case Update: Xzavier Hill

Xzavier’s mom, LaToya, is still fighting for accountability for his murder at the hands of law enforcement. Please support her efforts through donating to legal expenses and tapping into their weekly podcast with impacted families.

Legislative Policies To Watch:

Massachusetts HD 4264

This bill would establish a Special Commission to investigate and study the impacts of Qualified Immunity.

If you could give the Commission any advise on qualified immunity, what would it be? What are your thoughts on the court established doctrine?

Note: it is not an actual law.


Article of the Week


Check out what we’re reading and make sure to hit reply and tell us your thoughts!

Read about what happened to Tony Timpa in Texas.

Federal jury awards $1 million to Tony Timpa’s son, finds 3 Dallas police officers liable for his death

(Only watch the video of his arrest if you have the mental capacity to do so.)

It took the police 3 years to release video footage to his family. The family was initially told the officers were protected under qualified immunity before an appellate court appealed it.

How would you feel if Tony was your loved one?

A Mental Health Tip For You!

One thing we’ve learned throughout the 1M4 journey is that you need your fellow Sistas. You need to be connected to people who just get it. Although they may not have walked in your very shoes, at the very least, they’ve worn the same brand. They can empathize with you. Hear you. Understand you.


But what happens when you don’t have your circle of girlfriends to hype you up or come over for a feel-good girls’ night? What happens when you’re alone and just need someone to process life with? Try calling a warmline.


No! We’re not trying to get you caught up in any kind of eyebrow-raising stuff you’d have to explain when the phone bill comes through. Warmlines are peer-run listening lines staffed by people in mental health recovery themselves. It’s people who get it and have been through it. People who want to be there for you in the moments you feel that no one else can. We know it’s out of the box and probably has you side-eyeing us as we speak. But you never know what will work until you try.

Spread Some Blessings!

The consequences of police violence extend far beyond the loss of life. For families affected, it’s the loss of income, the sacrifice of basic necessities, and the start of a high-cost legal fight. If you have the capacity, consider donating to 1M4. Proceeds help support impacted families and sustain the work of 1M4 toward ending police violence for good.


You up for a challenge? In honor of World Mental Health Day happening this week, we want to challenge you not to let the moment go to waste.


Invite your girls out for dinner. Vibe and catch up. Tell them what’s been going on and hear the same. Offer an extra smile to a stranger (you never know who may need it.)


We challenge you to do what you must to find and step into your safe space and then do the work to ensure you’re becoming one too.

Your Sis In All Of This,
