• County/Area: All of IL
  • Insurance Required: Yes
  • Prior Relationship Established: No
  • Do They Work with Law Enforcement: Yes, when needed
  • How Are They Contacted: Crisis Line
  • Crisis Line: 1-800-345-9049
  • Website: https://hfs.illinois.gov/
  • Note: Exclusively for children under age 21 with managed care organization or managed care networks plans


  • County/Area: Dupage
  • Insurance Required: No
  • Prior Relationship Established: No
  • Do They Work with Law Enforcement: Yes, If situation deemed dangerous
  • How Are They Contacted: Crisis Line
  • Admin Phone Number: 630-682-7400
  • Crisis Line: 630-627-1700
  • Website: https://www.dupagehealth.org/215/Mobile-Crisis-Response
  • Note: Request mobile crisis response; Crisis line is for adults only. Youth age 20 and below are to call SASS at 800-345-9049


  • County/Area: Carbondale, Marion, West Frankfort,
  • Insurance Required: Yes
  • Prior Relationship Established: No
  • Do They Work with Law Enforcement: No law enforcement upon dispatch; law enforcement called if situation escalates
  • How Are They Contacted: Crisis Line
  • Admin Phone Number: (855) 608-3560
  • Crisis Line: (855) 608-3560 ext 7999
  • Website: https://centerstone.org/service/mobile-crisis-response/
  • Note: Mobile crisis ext: 7999 ; hours of operation 8am-4pm; Mon-Fri.
