- County/Area: All of Mississippi
- Insurance Required: No
- Prior Relationship Established: No
- Do They Work with Law Enforcement: Yes, accompanied by law enforcement
- How Are They Contacted: County based phone numbers
- Admin Phone Number: 601-359-1288
- Crisis Line: Crisis phone number for each region of Mississippi is listed on the website below
- Website: https://www.dmh.ms.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Crisis-Services-2021.pdf
- Note: Look up your county on the list and call your specific region of Mississippi to request the Mobile Crisis Response Team. The state also has Crisis stabilization Units (CSU) which are time limited, voluntary residential units for those with severe mental illnesses
- County/Area: Hinds
- Insurance Required: No
- Prior Relationship Established: No
- Do They Work with Law Enforcement: Yes, if there is threat of harm to self or others
- How Are They Contacted: Crisis Line
- Admin Phone Number: 601-321-2400
- Crisis Line: 601-955-6381
- Website: https://hbhs9.com/mobile-crisis/
- Note: 24/7 operations; law enforcement is trained in crisis intervention and will assist with de-escalation and transport