Leaving Corporate to Change the World | 1M4 Essence Exclusive

Recent Press

Written by 1 Million Madly Motivated Moms

June 20, 2024

Our founder, Tansy McNulty sat down with Essence Magazine to discuss her shift to becoming a commuity advocate.  She made the shift after over a decade working in large corporations, experienced a life-changing moment in the summer of 2016. Pregnant with her first child, she returned from vacation to the devastating news of the deaths of Anwun “Ronnie” Shumpert, Philando Castile, and Alton Sterling—three Black men killed by police in different cities across the U.S. When she returned to work, she was struck by the silence from her colleagues about these tragedies. This experience fueled her desire to pursue a more meaningful path, especially as she was about to become a mother to a Black child.

Black mothers are the ones tasked with fundraising for legal expenses while learning how to maneuver the inequitable legal system

In 2018, McNulty left her corporate job and founded 1 Million Madly Motivated Moms (1M4), a nonprofit dedicated to ending police violence by 2038. The name of the organization reflects her belief in needing not just numbers, but the right people. “Madly” challenges the stereotype of the “angry Black woman,” redefining it as passionate and intentional. Motivated by love for their children, McNulty and the members of 1M4 are on a mission to bring about lasting change in policing policies and practices. Read the entire article here. 

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