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Does It Feel Like Things Are *Too* Much?

“What's going on with you?” Have you been asked that question lately? Doesn't it feel *extra* loaded these days? Like, Fam… With an upcoming presidential election and an unprecedented war that has drawn lines in the sand, it very much feels like the world is spinning...

Say Their Names Today and Every Day.

When 1M4 was founded, it was in response to the senseless killings of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, Ronnie Shumpert, and every Black soul that came before them. It was a response to the fatigue of being a Black person—particularly a Black mother figure–in the...

Fill Your Cup, Sis

We don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we’ve been on a celebratory run since the year started. We started the year off reminiscing about all you’ve helped us accomplish, and then we rolled right into celebrating Black History and Women’s History Month. The party hasn’t...

Put Action Behind Your Words

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1M4 is a public safety and mental health organization working to end police violence in the United States by the year of 2038. Through prevention focused initiatives, 1M4 is committed to the reduction of  harm in the Black community by solutions derived from Black maternal figures.  1M4 welcomes the partnership and collaboration of all who want to assist in creating a safer and more just world.

1M4 is a 501(c)(3) organization; EIN: 93-3655384